In Bodh Gaya, where the Buddha has walked the land, moving along his way to the Bodhi Tree and full awakening, the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, has presided over the Kagyu Monlam since 2004 and given teachings to his disciples. This year he has built a vast stage for Dharma teachings and cultural performances. Above it are monumental arches covered with azure blue cloth, and in its middle is a golden canopy, floating like the sun in empty space. Aligned underneath is a statue of the Buddha, framed in a shell of radiant light, and then a statue of the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, who is so life-like that many people think the Karmapa has come early and is meditating on his throne. Next, just after the circle of a brilliant sun cascades down the steps, is the Karmapa’s throne, surrounded by generous bouquets of flowers. Seen from the end of the pavilions that host thousands of guests, the perspective of the central aisle gives a brilliant and spacious image of the lineage, descending from the Buddha to the first Karmapa and coming down to the present 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje.
Source: Kagyu Office 菩提迦耶,是佛陀曾一步步走過、而在菩提樹下,明心見性、開悟成道的地方。從2004年開始,噶瑪噶舉的第十七世大寶法王鄔金欽列多傑便在此地舉辦年度的噶舉祈願法會,為信徒講授佛法。今年更特地搭建了廣闊的大舞台以舉行盛大的傳法法會及文藝演出。
資料來源: Kagyu Office