Vajrasattva Empowerment – September 7th 2013 at 4:00pm


Dear Dharma Friends,

Tashi Deleg!

We are greatly honored to announce that the V.V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche will bestow the Vajrasattva Empowerment on Saturday, September 7th 2013 at 4:00 pm at the Thrangu Monastery. We request all the participants to come to monastery by 3:30 pm.

Vajrasattva (Tib. Dorje Sempa) is a Sambhobakaya Buddha, the sovereign of all Buddha families and mandalas. Vajrasattva practices are common to all of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and are used both to purify obscurations and also to purify any broken samaya vows. It is used in the Ngondro, or preliminary practices, in order to purify the mind's defilements, prior to undertaking more advanced tantric techniques. As such, Vajrasattva practice is an essential element of Tibetan Buddhist practice.

It was reported that while he was still on the path of learning, Vajrasattva made the following aspirations:

In future, when I reach complete and perfect buddhahood, may those who have committed the five crimes with immediate retribution, or anyone whose samaya commitments have been impaired, be purified entirely of all their harmful actions and impairments merely by hearing my name, thinking of me, or reciting the hundred syllables, the most majestic of all the secret mantras! Until this is brought about may I remain without awakening!

During the Empowerment, Rinpoche will give the oral transmission og the Hundred Syllable mantra as well as the Six Syllable mantra which is shorter but contains the essential spiritual points of the longer mantra.

NOTE: No Fee, but Registration is compulsory!