Choje Lama Wangchuk’s Teaching – Creation Stage

On July 27th, Choje Lama Wangchuk will be giving instructions on the creation stage. In the creation stage, practitioners visualize themselves and others in a pure way, in the form of buddhas and other enlightened beings, in order to break down their ordinary concepts of themselves and the world around them. The meditation practice prepares the mind for engaging in the completion stage, where one has a direct encounter with the ultimate nature of mind and reality. To properly relate to and get the full benefit from practices with a creation stage, one needs to study and contemplate the teachings on it.

Lama Wangchuk Topden was recently given the title of Chöje (Lord of Dharma) Lama by the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa due to the important role he has played and will continue to have in upholding the activities begun by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. It was the first time somebody in the history of Thrangu Monastery has been conferred this special title.

Note: Registration or Fee for teaching is not required and donation is accepted.