Amitabha Buddha Meditation Retreat and Mantra Accumulation December 3-5

amitabha2Join us for a wonderful 3 days of retreat focused on Amitabha December 3-5, 2010 (Friday-Sunday). During this retreat, the participants will join together to accumulate 100,000 Amitabha Buddha mantras. This powerful meditation and chanting practice will be led by our resident masters Lama Pema and Khenpo Tashi along with 7 other lamas. There will be short introductory teachings on the practice each day.

2010年12月3~5日(週五~日)創古寺將舉行為期三天的靜修活動, 在這次的修行中, 所有參加者將共造善業唸頌100,000次阿彌陀佛聖號. 這次的修行法會將由本寺住持喇嘛貝瑪及堪布塔希帶領另7位喇嘛一起參與, 機緣殊勝. 每天另視修行內容傳授佛法, 敬邀攜伴參加共霑法益.amitabha2

阿彌陀佛, 又稱為無量光佛. 是一切有情的守護者, 是我們往生時或在中陰身的救渡者. 阿彌陀佛是破瓦法(Phowa)金剛乘佛教的修行中心, 能帶領我們在死亡後得到神識的解脫.

阿彌陀佛禪座修行和唸佛法門有什麼利益呢? 阿隬陀佛禪座修行能夠將我們對虛妄愛著的能量轉化成對啟發自我覺醒的清澈智慧, 進而產生對眾生的慈悲愛憐. 終至去除我慢, 深化我們利他覺他的佛行事業.

請您和我們一起共襄此一聖事. 如果您時間許可, 也可以在家中和我們一起持誦阿隬陀佛聖名, 將您每日持誦的總數以電話 778 297 6010 或電子郵件 告訴喇嘛Rabjor Dawa.


Amitabha Retreat Schedule thumbnail

12月5日是尊貴的12世噶瑪巴-倉秋多傑的紀念日. 也是藏曆的新月日, 在是日的晚上7點30分我們以點燈祈福活動結束此一唸佛法會.

Mantra Amitabha

The Buddha Amitabha, known as the Buddha of Infinite Light, is the protector of beings who call upon him as they experience death and the after-death transitions in the bardo. Amitabha is central to the practice of Phowa (the transference of consciousness whereby one can attain liberation at the time of death.

What are the benefits of doing the Amitabha meditation and chanting practice?  Meditating on Buddha Amitabha transforms the deluded energy of attachment into the enlightened energy of discriminating awareness wisdoms and the clear-seeing warmth of true loving compassion. Ego’s selfish demands yield to our deepening commitment to the well-being and enlightenment of others.

Please download the following retreat schedule

Amitabha Retreat Schedule thumbnail

Please join us, as your schedule permits, or recite the Amitabha mantra at home and add your daily totals to the accumulations at the monastery by  emailing your totals to or calling  778-297-6010. It is always wonderful to receive your calls and emails during these auspicious events. December 5th is the anniversary of the His Holiness, the 12th Karmapa, Changchup Dorje, as well as a New Moon Day.  Therefore, at 7:30 pm we will conclude this wonderful retreat with butter Lamp prayers.

Mantra Amitabha

OM        A       MI      DE    WA    HRIH