V.V. Thrangu Rinpoche returns to Thrangu Monastery Canada for a Milarepa Tsok (Feast) Offering

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

Tashi Delek. I am delighted to announce that our Rinpoche is back to Thrangu Monastery Canada after his Dharma Teachings in Karma Tashiling Center in Edmonton. Rinpoche will do a Milarepa Tsok (Feast) Offering together with Lama, Khenpo and monks at Thrangu Monastery on 14th August, 2010 at 7:30pm. Those of you who wanted to join this puja are most welcome. Rinpoche will leave Canada for Hongkong on 15th August, 2010.

There will be a fire puja on 23rd August 2010 at 10am and Shugawati prayers (puja for deceased) on 24th August, 2010 at 7:30 pm leaded by Lama.

With prayers,
Yours in the Dharma,
Lama Pema