Dear Dharma Frineds,
Tashi Delek! we are pleased to inform our dharma friends, March 16, Sunday at 7:30 pm we will conduct Jambhala Prayers. If you wish you can bring your offerings for Jambhala prayer.
"Yellow Jambhala embodies the wealth deity aspect of Ratnasambhava. Yellow Jambhala sits on a lotus, sun and moon disk. He holds a mongoose in his left hand and from its mouth spews forth prescious jewels. Jambhala's blessings are to help others by eliminating poverty so that they may practice the Dharma. In helping the poor and those suffering from ill fortune, Jambhala protects the Dharma. Jambhala also increases spiritual wealth including luck, longevity and wisdom. If one offers with a sincere heart, one will receive Jambhala's blessings. One then accumulates causes for happiness of gods and men, obtains good fortune, transforming failure to success and gets uncountable benefits."
吉祥如意! 我們即將於1月21日晚間7點30分舉辦黃財神共修法會, 歡迎各位攜帶供品!