White Tara Retreat

Tara, the Mother of Liberation, is a meditation deity for developing inner qualities such as compassion, loving-kindness, and emptiness. Particularly White Tara, as one of the three deities of a long life, has the power to counteract illnesses and helps to bring about a long life. Through the practice of White Tara, one is protected from untimely death and able to practice Dharma longer in this life.


February 7

7:00 PM          Oral Transmission by Dungse Lama Pema

1st Session of White Tara Practice

February 8 & 9


6:00 ~ 6:30 am          Sojong Vows

6:30 ~ 7:30 am          Meditation

8:00 ~ 8:45 am          Breakfast

9:00 ~ 10:00 am        1st Session of White Tara Practice

10:00 ~ 10:15 am     Break

10:15 ~ 12:00 pm     2nd Session of White Tara Practice

12:00 ~   1:00 pm      Lunch Break


2:00 ~ 4:00 pm          3rd Session of White Tara Practice

4:00 ~ 4:30 pm          Break

4:30 ~ 5:30 pm          Mahakala Practice

5:30 ~ 6:30 pm          Break

6:30 ~ 7:30 pm          Meditation and Chöd Practice

NOTE: Retreatians are prohibited to eat solid food after lunch.