Gampopa – Guru Yoga Practice

SEPTEMBER 20 to 22
Gampopa Sonam Rinchen, one of five main Kagyu forefathers, studied teachings of Kadampa after ordination until meeting Guru Milarepa at the age of 30. Gampopa is known for combining the Kadampa Lamrim with the Kagyu Mahamudra, and many compositions such as the Four Dharmas of Gampopa.  By practicing the Guru Yoga of Gampopa, we can establish a positive connection with him and the Dharma.


September 20, 2019

            7:30    -           8:30    pm      First session of Gampopa - Guru Yoga Practice
September 21 & 22 , 2019
            9:00    -           10:00 AM    Green Tara Puja        
            10:15 -           11:45  AM     First session of Gampopa - Guru Yoga Practice
             12:00  -           1:00  PM      Lunch
            2:00    -           3:45   PM      Second session of Gampopa - Guru Yoga Practice
            4:30    -           5:30   PM     Mahakala Practice  
            6:00    -           7:00   PM      Dinner   
            7:30    -           8:30   PM      Third session of Gampopa - Guru Yoga Practice