2013 Practice and Teaching Programs

Mahakala Practice
February 3 ~ 9

2013 Practice and Teaching Schedule
Mahakala is known as the “Dharma protector.” The emanation of Avalokiteshvara, Mahakala eliminates obstacles in one’s practice of dharma, keeping away deception and delusion. Having fierce and powerful energy, Mahakala takes on different forms and colors. When chanting the Mahakala mantra or reciting his sadhana, practitioners are protected from negative forces. One’s Dharma practice is supported by the purifying of negative thoughts and actions.

Celebration of Yogi Milerapa’s Anniversary
February 24

Using the text "Blazing Wisdom-The Guru Yoga and Feast Offering to the Great Jetsun Milarepa" composed by Jamgom Kongtrol Lodro Thaye, please join us in celebrating the parinirvana of The Great Yogi Milarepa. The practice of Guru Yoga is praised again and again by the victors of all Tantras. When called, Milarepa surely looks upon us with compassion, and showers us with blessings.

Celebration of Lord Marpa Anniversary
February 25

Please join us in celebrating the parinirvana of Marpa Chökyi Lodrö. Lord Marpa spent many years translating Buddhist scriptures, practicing under the guidance of his guru, Naropa, and brought the Kagyu lineage to Tibet. We will be commemorating this great Siddha with prayers of devotion and making positive connections in dharma.

Medicine Buddha Practice
March 15 ~17

The Medicine Buddha emboies the healing qualities of all the Buddhas, for healing of both outer and inner sufferings of beings. The Medicine Buddha is lapis Lazuli in color, representing pureness, stability and ultimate truth.The Medicine Buddha mantra is very helpful in healing physical discomfort as well as for purifying inner negativities and karma. As Thrangu Rinpoche says, "By doing these practices, we actually bless the environment and all the beings in that environment."

Amitabha Practice by Lama Ajo
April 2 ~ 4

The practice of Amitabha helps to create the conditions through which beings are born into the pure land of Dewachen. The essential practice in Pure Land Buddhism is the chanting of the name of Amitabha Buddha with one-pointed concentration, trusting that one will be reborn in his Pure Land, a place where it is much easier for a being to work towards enlightenment.

Buddha's Birthday Celebration
May 17

During the celebration, there is the ceremony of bathing the Buddha, symbolizing letting go and ridding oneself of delusion. It is for purification of the mind, so that it returns to its natural state, in which thoughts come and go without suppression or clinging. Purifying the mind means to move from ignorance to understanding, from delusion to awakening, which is our original state.

Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen by Lama Pema
May 24 to 26

The teachings will be based on the extensive commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche on the Union of Mahamudra and Dzogchen: the Direct Instructions of the Great Compassionate One by Karma Chagmey. Whatever your lifestyle may be, whatever form your practice may take, if it includes the practice of Mahamudra, it will be successful. Mahamudra is the essential practice.

Vivid Awareness: The Mind Instructions of Khenpo Gangshar
by Khenpo Jigme
June 21 ~ 23

Khenpo Gangshar was a great scholar and meditation master. His personality and wisdom were truly unique, while his teaching combined profound experience and complete practicality. The instructions of Vivid Awareness are both profound and simple. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche was one of the grateful recipients of these teachings, which he regards as among the most precious he has ever received.

Celebrating His Holiness Karmapa's Birthday
June 26

Please join us in celebrating the birthday of His Holiness Karmapa with prayers, songs and other musical offerings. Offerings will be made to request His Holiness to remain and guide us. we will dedicate our merit to the stability and longevity of His Holiness.

Buddha’s Turning the Wheel of Dharma
July 12

July 12th marks the anniversary of Buddha’s first turning of the wheel of Dharma. Forty-nine days after Buddha attained enlightenment, he rose from meditation and turned the first Wheel of Dharma, including the Four Noble truths.

Longevity prayer for Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
July 20 ~ 27

Thrangu Monastery Canada is pleased to invite all of Rinpoche's students to join in longevity prayers for Rinpoche. This prayer festival will begin at the monastery July 20 and continue through July 27, 2013. At its conclusion, offerings will be made for Rinpoche to remain and guide us. The Drubchen will use the longevity sadhana known as the "Union of Upaya and Prajna".

The Anniversary of Lord Gampopa Celebration
August 2

Gampopa Sönam Rinchen was born in Nyal, Eastern Tibet. He was first trained as a physician, later becoming ordained at the age of 26 after his wife and two children died in an epidemic. After studying and practising the Kadampa teachings, at the age of 32 he met Jetsun Milarepa, becoming his foremost disciple. We will be commemorating this great Siddha with prayers of devotion and making positive connections in dharma.

Akshobhya Practice
August 20 ~ 22

Buddha Akshobhya, the 'Unshakeable One', Lord of the Vajra Family, is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, also known as the Five Wisdom Buddhas.The Akshobhya ritual and practice is a very powerful purification practice done for the benefit of oneself and the innumerable sentient beings. It can liberate not only the practitioners themselves, but all beings.

Nyungne Fasting Practice
September 27 ~ 29

Nyungne is a practice that helps to quickly purify negative karma and accumulate merit. It also aids in healing illness and opening the heart to compassion. Nyungne practice helps to overcome unvirtuous activities of the three gates, to purify them and focus on generating Bodhichitta.

Red Chenrezig Practice
October 11 ~ 13

The Red Chenrezig, Guan Yin (in Mandarin), Gyalwa Gyatso (in Tibetan) is the embodiment of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the three times and ten directions, carrying out compassionate enlightened activities. Through prayers to and meditation on Chenrezig, one can purify many aeons of negative karma, eradicate sufferings and obstacles, and to firmly seal off all possibilities of taking rebirth in the six realms. The Red Chenrezig empowerment is a very important empowerment, highly regarded and widely used by Vajrayana practitioners.

“The Bodhisattva Way of Life” - by Khenpo Sonam
November 15 ~17

“Until all sentient beings achieve the well-being and happiness of Buddhahood, may their state of happiness never degenerate. May all beings achieve the uninterrupted well-being and happiness of Bodhisattvas.” The Bodhicharyavatara was written by Shantideva, a famous scholar and yogi of India in the 8th century. The Way of the Bodhisattva is a guide to cultivating the mind of enlightenment. It details the methods of generating the qualities of love, compassion, generosity, and patience.

Buddha Shakyamuni’s Descent from Tushita Heaven (Rain of Wisdom)
November 24

To repay her kindness and to liberate his mother, and also to benefit the gods in the heavenly realms, Buddha ascended to Tushita heaven where he preached before the divine congregation, including his mother, for three months. The twenty-second day of the Ninth month of Tibetan calendar, is the sacred day celebrating the Buddha’s descent from Tushita heaven after the teaching.

H.E. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche's Birthday
December 12

Please join us in celebrating the birthday of Thrangu Rinpoche with prayers and musical offerings. Offerings will be made to further request Rinpoche to remain and guide us.

Chöd Practice
December 27 ~ 29

The Mahamudra Chod has the express aim of full enlightenment, of attaining Buddhahood in this very lifetime, in this very body. But along the way, Chöd also has remarkable effects here and now, on both ourselves and those around us. Practicing Chöd impacts various aspects of daily life .

Lamp Prayer for New Year 2014
December 31

Offering lamps is one of the most powerful offerings because their light symbolizes wisdom. Just as a light dispels darkness, offering lamps represents clearing the darkness of ignorance, illuminating with the clarity of the wisdom of Buddha.