Mahakala Bennakchen Special Prayers From Feb 15 -21, 2012 (Each Day: 2:00pm to 5pm and 7:30pm to 8:30pm)

The Mahakala Puja Schedule
2:00pm to 5pm and 7:30pm to 8:30pm

MAHAKALA BERNAKCHEN (Great Black Cloaked One)

Mahakala Bernakchen, a two-armed form of Mahakala, also known as the Great Black One, is the principle protector for the Karma Kagyu Lineage. Bernakchen is the wrathful aspect of Avalokiteshvara. He manifests a fierce and wrathful form of compassionate activity through which he destroys inner and outer obstacles

At the end of each year, according to Tibetan Lunar Calendar, New Year we practice Mahakala Puja for week long. This sadhana is practiced in all the Vajrayana Monasteries at this time of the year. This wonderful practice is performed so that upcoming New Year will be free of obstacles so that there will be peace and happiness in the world.

Thrangu Monastery Canada will conduct week long prayers for New Year Water Dragon 2139 Year, for clearing obstacles, misfortune, natural disaster so that we may experience peace and happiness, and the accomplishment of our wishes in the coming year. Lama, Khenpo and all other monks will conduct this week long prayer for world peace and happiness, and in particular for the benefit of members, Dharma friends and well-wishers of the monastery.

Thrangu Monastery is also looking for sponsor to support this wonderful event! Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated! If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please refer the form below.

Those we are not able to attend prayers in person can making offerings, like feast offering (Tsok) flower, Lamp, meal and so on. We have feast offering each day.