On December 4, 2011 (Sunday), we will be celebrating the birthday of our beloved Thrangu Rinpoche's 79th Birthday!
If you are available, please come and participate on this auspicious day, as we remember Rinpoche's loving kindness and
the profound teachings he has bestowed upon us.
9:30 am
Circumambulating around the monastery with Rinpoche's Portrait.
10:00 am
Kondo Chidu (Union of Three Jewels) for the long life and good health of Rinpoche.
Offering of Body, Speech and Mind. Followed by individual offering.
12:00 pm
Lunch served by the monastery to all participants.
1:30 pm
Songs to praise for Rinpoche.
3:00 pm
Cake cutting ceremony.
4:30 pm
Mahakala Practice.
Please email to rabjor@thrangumonastery.org or call Rabjor at 778.297.6010