Milarepa Tsok prayers -September 22 (Thursday) at 7:30pm

Dear Dharma Friends,

Tashi Delek!!

In September 22 (Thursday) at 7:30pm, Thrangu Monastery will do the Milarepa Tsok prayer for V.V Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche's long life and good health. We will use the text of "Blazing Wisdom"- The Guru Yoga and Feast Offering to The Great Jetsun Milarepa composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye. This practice of the Guru, central figure of all mandalas, is praised again and again by the victors in all tantras. V.V Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche will lead the prayers and please join us!

Please feel free to bring your feast offerings on this wonderful event! (Cookies, Fruit, Juice and etc).

[paypal-donation purpose="buddha birth" amount="20" reference="general donation" ]