A Call to Prayer by the V.V Thrangu Rinpoche

A Call to Prayer

In this world there are natural disasters that take the lives of many humans and other sentient beings, or that injure them and cause financial and other difficulties. In recent weeks, there have been an earthquake in New Zealand, which killed several hundred people, and the great earthquake and tsunami in Japan, which took the lives of over ten thousand people and destroyed the homes, possessions, and livelihoods of millions of others. Additionally, problems at a nuclear power plant have caused the release of radioactive gases into the atmosphere. Because of these circumstances, many humans and other living beings have been injured or fallen ill. Their minds are filled with suffering and fear. They are experiencing great difficulties living their lives. In such a time as this, I myself am making as strong aspirations and prayers as I can that such sufferings be pacified quickly, and I encourage all my faithful students to also make similar prayers and aspirations.

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
March 16, 2011

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