Calling the Lama from Afar, 21st December @ 7:30

Dear Dharma Friends,

Tashi Delek!

This Tuesday (21st December, 2010 at 7:30 pm) we will be praying entitled “Calling the Lama from Afar.” No empowerment required! It would be good to go through the verses and see what they mean to us. This spiritual text is not only a prayer but it also offers instructions that we receive from our Lama.

The title of the prayer is “Calling the Lama from Afar.” Who is a Lama? Lama is our Root Teacher, the Lama who bestows the empowerment, reading transmission of a text, and the practice instructions that enable us to mature. One’s Root Lama is a very personal matter. One can meet many Lamas who are famous but experience no change when one does. It is possible to experience deep faith and devotion in a Lama whose name one merely hears or whose picture one only sees, without every having met him in life. So please joins for the prayers and acknowledge his great love and compassion for us and every beings The Lama who is relevant for oneself is the Lama who is one’s inner source of inspiration, who one trusts and reveres deeply.

So looking forward to seeing you.

星期二 (12月21日 晚上 7:30) 將修持 “遙呼上師祈請文” 。不需要灌頂即可參加共修。 在修法期間,堪布塔希將為大眾解釋此教法內容精要。此法教不僅能給予我們無比的加持力,更重要的是教導我們如何從上師身上獲得殊甚教法。

何謂 “喇嘛” ? “喇嘛” 是我們的根本上師。根本上師傳授我們灌頂,口訣與法教。目的是為了幫助我們成就佛果。選擇一位具德的根本上師對自己本身是非常重要的。大眾一生當中會遇見不同的具德上師,但我們所要尋找的喇嘛是可讓我們明心見性,升起菩提心的根本上師。 雖大眾在一生當中可能無緣親見根本上師,但只聽聞其名號或親見上師法照,大眾本就能對根本上師升起無比的信心與虔敬心。當我們修法時,我們需要讚嘆上師對我們以及一切眾生的慈悲心。請您和我們一同修持此教法。
