Making Offerings for the Amitabha Puja, December 3rd (Friday) to 5th (Sunday)

"It is always the case that there are many students that have no time or very little time to do practice. They are always too busy. Such people can be encouraged to make regular or extensive offerings for the Amitabha Buddha puja. In this way they are able to accumulate merit."

For this Amitabha prayer, we are looking for 3 sponsors for each day from December 3 to December 5, 2010. We suggested that each sponsor offers $300 which includes flower offerings, butter lamp offerings, water bowl offerings, and meals offering for the public.


這次的阿彌陀佛法會,我們每天徵求三位功德主,每三位功德主護持一天的法會,從123日至5日。我們建議每位功德主捐助 $300元,包括供花,供燈,供水及供養大眾齋食的費用。

The result of making offerings to the Buddha Amitabha with pure faith and devotion, is that our negative karma and obscurations will diminish. In this life, we will experience happiness, success and we will develop of positive qualities. At the time of our death, Amitabha, along with Bodhisattvas, will welcome us in his Pure Land of with a rain of flowers and melodious music. Being reborn in this pure land will enable us to accomplish the path easily and without obstacles.

Individual donors can make offerings for their family, relatives, and friends as well as for the deceased and for all beings. The Lamas will pray for the long life, good health and prosperity of the donors as well as for progress in their daily practice.

Donors' Names will be place inside the shrine hall for the entire period of the Puja. December 5th is the anniversary of the His Holiness, the 12th Gyalwang Karmapa, Changchup Dorje, as well as a New Moon Day.  Therefore, at 7:30 pm we will conclude our wonderful Amitabha Puja with Butter Lamp prayers for the benefit of all beings and and for our beloved event sponsors.


