The Annual Tsedrup Puja 2024 – (2024.09.16-22) This special long life puja is a tradition passed forward from Thrangu Monastery in Tibet. The purpose of this annual prayer is to make dedications to the good health and longevity of our precious gurus , flourishing of the Dharma, world peace, and the wellbeing of all sentient beings.

2024年長壽祈福法會 – (2024.09.16-22) 這個特殊的一年一度的長壽祈願法會是由西藏創古寺傳承下來的傳統。我們祈願所有尊貴的上師們健康長壽、佛法昌盛、世界和平、一切眾生平安喜樂。



Mahakala Day

August 15 @ 1:30 PM

Akshobhya Retreat

August 25 to 27

Dongse Lama Pema

Meditation Class Every
Tuesday at 7pm

Dungse Lama Pema

Khenpo Sonam

Introduction to
Buddhism class
Sundays at 1:30pm

Khenpo Sonam
His Holiness The 17Th Gyalwang Karmapa
His Holiness the 17Th Gyalwang Karmapa
The Very Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
The Very Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Dungse Lama Pema

Thrangu Monastery Canada, located in Richmond, British Columbia, is the first traditional Tibetan Monastery in the Pacific Northwest. The Monastery teaches in the Buddhist tradition that one needs to accumulate both merit and wisdom in order to generate the auspicious circumstances for realization.


The Monastery serves as The Very Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche’s seat in North America. Here, Rinpoche continues his teaching activities in the West. Students come to study and practice under his direction in a traditional monastic setting.